KNFTHC Emergency Shelter

The goal of KNES is to help break the cycle of domestic violence and/or sexual assault as well as providing a safe and culturally aware environment while building the foundation for the healing journey as all our services are confidential, free and on a voluntary basis.
Some of these services may include counseling, confidential case management (employment readiness, job search, options for housing, basic life skills, etc.), direct assistance while working towards self-sustainability, as well as emotional support to the victim/survivor. Staff can also assist in navigating civil legal matters and the ever-changing criminal justice process while we work together towards empowering you and you obtaining your goals to self-sufficiency and healing.
While sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking can affect victims in any age group, individuals who are 50 years of age or older who experience elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation can face unique barriers when receiving services. Recognizing this, The Kaw Nation Later in Life Program strives to alleviate gaps in direct services for elderly-specific survivors of abuse and continue to respond to the growing needs for victim/survivors in Kay County.
Contact Us
For bedspace availability or more resources: 580.362.2000 (24/7 KNES Office)
KNFTHC Crisis Hotline: 580.716.8156 (24 hr. Crisis Line)
KNFTHC: 580.362.1098 (M-F, 8AM-4PM)
Other Local & National Resources:
Oklahoma State SAFELINE: TTY
Strong Hearts Native Helpline
Call or Text: 1-844-762-8483 or chatting online at
National Domestic Violence Hotline
National Sexual Assault Hotline
OK Statutes — Native Alliance Against Violence (

Reach Out Today!
You are not alone. We are here to help.
Contact Us
We Can Help!
Kaw Nation Family Trauma Healing Center: We empower trauma survivors and families through support, cultural healing, and community awareness, breaking the cycle of violence for a brighter future.
Call (580) 362-1098 to start
(580) 362-1098
106 W. 7th Newkirk, OK 74647